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|  Posted On: Jan 13, 2025

Alameda, CA 94502

11 Months, Contract

Job Summary

Job Title:  
Graphic Design Specialist (Part Time)

Posted Date:  
Jan 13, 2025

11 Months, Contract


08:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Pay Rate: 
41.10 /Hourly








Manager provided the below:

  • Onsite or Remote or Hybrid schedule: remote or Alameda
  • List 3-5 hard requirements for the role: Develop marketing materials (flyer, brochures, presentations), learn and apply brand guidelines, expert experience with In Design, Mac IOS environment, Adobe Creative Suite Software and Microsoft Office 365 software. Previous Medical device or pharma experience.
  • List any preferred requirements that would stand out on a resume: have worked with ADC or other Client marketing teams before
  • Years’ of experience required: 3 years or above
  • Required education level/certifications: education on graphic design
  • Daily tasks/duties and department interactions: effective communication (oral and verbal) with marketing team members, take directions to develop marketing materials
  • Monthly or quarterly metrics the candidate will be measured on: quality of work and creativity, adhere brand guidelines etc.
  • Description of work environment/department: Hosp and Government channel marketing
  • Preferred interview method (one step or two step/phone or video conference): select top 4 candidates based on resume and have a panel interview via TEAMs if remote location, in person if local.



On call Manager mentioned:

  • 20 hours is ball park as may need to work more hours.
  • looking for someone who is freelance, previous Client experience, out of work, someone who wants a foot in Client so keeping it flexible with Remote opportunity.
  • Looking for that creative artist design experience. Ideally if worked for a creative agency.
  • Flexible for hours but prefer Monday thru Friday and is able to communicate during business hours on West Coast.
  • Have no issue if give a rush job and want to work on the weekend that is ok however, not only working on weekend as again, need that communication during M to F PST hours.


Top 3 skills:

  1. has done this type of work before, promotional materials, flyers and brochures.
  2. Quality of work ~ hates sloppy work and wants the worker to triple check so she doesn't have to do any additional redlines. So detail and quality is important.
  3. Quick learner who understands and can pick up brand guidelines.


Q) Would you be willing to review candidates who have a gap in their employment?

  • No worries about gaps as it is more important about the skill set and can communicate well.


Q) Are the 20 hours fixed for a certain days, hours?

  • It is Flexible and will depend on Client volume. Melissa had been working around 21 to 23 hours most weeks but would like at least 1 day a week the candidate be available during Core Business hours 8 am to 5 pm PST to set and go over the projects needed for the week.


Q) Can they have another position or do we need them to only work for Client?

  • As long as Client gets the hours needed to have the work completed.


Q) If a candidate doesn't have prior marketing experience like creating brochures. Is that an issue?

  • Because we need this candidate to do graphic design and that is all they will be doing, they don't need the creative part as they will be instructed on what needs to be done.


Q) Do you prefer hands on vs manager?

  • Yes hands on and very familiar with Adobe Indesign.


Q) Will the candidate need to be on PST time?

  • Once a week yes available during core hours so can assign projects needing to be complete that week.
  • Manager did mention that he would like to see Portfolios for the candidates.

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